Trasporto su scale:Servers and Switchboards | Zonzini


Servers and Switchboards



The Solution for Installation Technicians

THE PROBLEMSTall, Heavy and Difficult to Maneuver

Transporting servers and switchboards presents several challenges due to their bulky size, fragile components, and complex handling operations. These problems can complicate the transportation process and increase the risk of damage to cargo or the surrounding environment, requiring effective solutions to ensure safe and efficient transportation.

Load height

When installers encounter situations where the vertical size of the server prevents passage through narrow stairwells or low ceilings, they often have to manually tilt the load to overcome obstacles. This process is not only strenuous but also inefficient, increasing the risk of damage to the load itself and its surroundings. Manual tilting can cause instability and make transportation more complicated and risky. It may also require multiple operators to safely handle the load.

Narrow spaces

Moving servers and cabinets in tight spaces can be extremely complicated and require constant effort to overcome obstacles. Narrow doorways, narrow aisles and limited work spaces can hinder handling and make it difficult to maneuver the load. Without the right equipment, operators may find themselves in situations where it is impossible to get the load through or where they risk damaging their surroundings while trying to maneuver the load.

Weight of switchboards

Moving servers and switchboards in confined spaces can be extremely complicated and require constant effort to overcome obstacles. Narrow doorways, narrow aisles and limited working space can make handling difficult and the load difficult to manoeuvre. Without the right equipment, operators may find themselves in situations where it is impossible to get the load through, or where they risk damaging their surroundings while trying to maneuver the load.


Professional and Safe Stair Climbing Trolleys

Intuitive joystick for precise motion and tilt control

The Skipper Plasmoid powered stair climbing dolly hand truck offers an intuitive and simple user experience, allowing operators to precisely adjust the speed of movement and tilt of the servers using the joystick. This makes the transportation process safer and more efficient.

Adaptable to any floor for safe and fast transport

Thanks to its versatile design and independent tracks, Skipper Plasmoid is able to move easily on all types of flooring, from the most delicate to the roughest. This allows installers to move easily in both indoor and outdoor environments, providing greater operational flexibility and reducing installation time.



transport of Servers and Switchboards: the solution

Skipper Plasmoid

  • Skipper Plasmoid 400 Kg (882 lbs)
  • Base with 4 wheels
Electric stair climbing hand truck Skipper Plasmoid


THE BENEFITSSafe, Efficient and Intuitive

Skipper Plasmoid is designed to enable the handling of switchgear on all types of flooring, from the most delicate indoor flooring to outdoor flooring on the construction site.

Ease of use

With independent tracks and the ability to change the tilt of loads, Skipper easily negotiates obstacles such as narrow doors and aisles, making server and switchboard transport more efficient and smoother. This allows operators to move with ease even in tight work environments, reducing the time and effort required to complete handling tasks.

Stability during transport

Equipped with powerful electric motors and high-grip tracks, the Skipper Stair Dolly provides optimal stability when moving heavy loads such as servers and switching cabinets. This reduces the risk of swaying and damage during transport, ensuring the safety of operators and the loads themselves.

Ease of use

With an intuitive control system and proportional joystick, Skipper offers an easy and intuitive user experience for operators. This allows them to precisely control the speed, direction and tilt of the load, improving efficiency and reducing the risk of handling errors.


Why choose Skipper Plasmoid

Suggested accessories

Closed base with swivel wheels, designed to increase the loading area of the stair climber and operator comfort when turning on the landing. It's a highly recommended accessory for those working with windows and doors, as it allows for the multiple transport of windows, reducing the total number of trips required. The wheels can also be used for smooth movement on indoor floors.

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and 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

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