Moving heavy elevator winches weighing over 300 kg (661 lbs) up stairs


Elevator Winches



The solution for installers

THE PROBLEMSWeight, Space and Safety

Transporting elevator winches up stairs presents challenges due to their weight and the complexity of the environments in which they are typically installed. Winches are notoriously heavy, bulky and vary in size, requiring the use of specialized equipment to transport them up stairs. Equipping with an electric crawler stair climber is the most functional solution to ensure comfort and safety of the operator during transportation. It is also important to ensure that the tracks are capable of traversing all the different types of surfaces that the operator will encounter when installing the winches, such as:

  • metal staircases, indoor and outdoor stairs
  • uneven terrain
  • ramps

The Zonzini electric tracks are scratch resistant and non-slip. They are ideal for transporting winches and heavy loads on all types of stairs and surfaces, ensuring maximum safety for the operator, the stairs and the load.

The Weight

Elevator winches can be extremely heavy. They can weigh over 400 kg (881 lbs). When handling such heavy loads, it is essential to use transport equipment that does not require the operator to keep the load balanced during transport on stairs, as this would compromise transport safety.

Transportation Safety

The improper transport of an elevator winch can have negative consequences on the health of the operators. This is why it is essential to use equipment such as Zonzini electric stair climbers, which have high quality technical features and are specifically designed to transport heavy loads on stairs.

Damage to the winch or the environment

Improper handling may result in damage to the winch during transport. Excessive shock or vibration may cause malfunction or permanent damage to the winch.


Professional and Safe Stair Climbing Trolleys

The Domino Stabilized can transport winches up to 400 kg (881 lbs) in confined spaces thanks to its double motor tracks

Domino’s independent tracks can also rotate 360 degrees, and together with the integrated stabilization, the winch can be brought to the landing easily and with only one operator.




transport of Elevator Winches: the solution

Domino Stabilized

  • Domino Stabilized 400 Kg
  • Adjustable width base


THE BENEFITSPower, Precision and Safety

Domino Stabilized is your unique and effective solution to the challenges of transporting elevator winches. Thanks to its power and ability to climb steep slopes, it facilitates the transport of heavy loads on any type of stairs. Its maneuverability allows you to position the winch with maximum safety and avoid damage to the environment. In addition, the electric crawler stair climber reduces the physical demands on the operator, preventing injuries and fatigue.


Domino Stabilized is an electric trolley for transporting goods, equipped with high-traction tracks and built-in load stabilization on landings: the load stabilization feature significantly reduces the risk of workplace injuries. Manual handling of this type of load should always be avoided as it can be dangerous, especially on narrow stairs with steep inclines.

Precision for perfect positioning

Domino Stabilized allows the winch to move with precision, even in confined spaces and on steep slopes. This is an important advantage in preventing damage to the stairs and the surrounding area. In addition, the Domino Lift Stabilized facilitates the installation of the winch, even in the final phase when it is necessary to lift it to place it on the appropriate base. In fact, the Domino Lift allows you to raise the winch up to 740 mm from the ground for a professional installation.

Power to overcome any obstacle

Domino offers exceptional power that allows it to climb all types of stairs and transport heavy loads up to 400 kg (881 lbs) with ease. This means you can work efficiently even in challenging conditions, such as steep stairs or with very heavy elevator winches.


Why choose Domino Stabilized

Suggested accessories

It's a special base that increases the support base for the load. It can be extended up to 80 cm in width. It is particularly useful when loading multiple items onto the Domino stair climber base, such as toolboxes, boxes or packages, all to be transported in one trip. It is not necessary to apply it to the trolley for the transport of single, particularly bulky objects, since the fact that the object exceeds the dimensions of the standard base does not affect the possibility of transporting it.

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